Sunday, July 5, 2020

My museum visit

It was a boring morning. I suddenly found myself standing in front of the Tellus Museum in Cartersville, GA. I was wearing a white T- shirt with green stripes on it and a plain skirt. I was also wearing brown sandals, the kind that went up all the way to your knees. I was also carrying a flip phone that could roll up into a ball, but somehow it was not working.

I walked a little further until I reached a dinosaur skeleton that was in the middle of the museum. Then from there, I saw a clock that read “time: unknown: Date: unknown”. That was weird, but I did not really care about that and went into the mineral section. Somehow, I was able to open the see-through glass cases. I started touching the minerals. Suddenly out of nowhere, a security guard appeared in front of me. The security guard was carrying two bags that were see-through. One of them was holding mountain climbing gear and the other snorkeling gear which made no sense. He shoved a scroll in my face. The scroll looked like it was purposely made that way. I mean it smelled that way. Yep, I smelled that coffee. He then realized that I opened the case and that I was touching the minerals. Realizing that I was in trouble, I dashed off. He started running after me shouting gibberish. 

The security guard was gaining on me, and so I climbed the dinosaur skeleton. When I got to the top, I looked down and saw a giant tank with fish that surrounded the skeleton. Soon I lost balance and gripped the edge of the tank. I noticed the skeleton starting to morph into a shipwreck. I climbed over the tank and in the process I fully lost my grip. I saw what was like a swarm of people holding a ladder, but it was way too short and soon a trampoline also appeared. My ball cellphone fell out of my hand. Both me and the ball bounced of the trampoline and went all the way up to the roof of the museum. With a large thud of my head and the crash of the phone hitting the roof, I woke up. I realized it was all just a dream and got up to dink a cup of water. 
                                The End




  1. Good write up. Congrates. !!

    Dream may not be a surprice. Usually these type of writing ends in dreams only. Hence this peace of writing may be titled as an unexpected story in my dream.

  2. good writeup suvethika

    Arvind mama
